Wednesday, August 28, 2024

New Graduate Course: Information As A Domain of War

 I am pleased to announce that I will be teaching "Information As A Domain of War" on line for the Institute of World Politics: I am pleased to announce that I will be teaching:

his fall, Prof. Lawrence D. Dietz, COL (R), USAR will teach a new online course on Information as a Domain of War.

This course explores the complex and evolving landscape of information and influence operations in today’s and tomorrow’s wars.  The course will explore the place of the information domain as a distinct warfighting domain, alongside traditional warfighting domains such as land, sea, air, and space. Students will become familiar with the history, unique attributes, and vulnerabilities of information warfighting and its tactical and strategic aspects across multiple conflict profiles.

A key element of success in the information domain is identifying and understanding stakeholders, including nation-states, militaries, non-state actors, and individuals and the actors that seek to influence them and change their behavior through information campaigns.

The course focuses on the United States government’s approach to information as a new warfighting domain. As such, it will delve into theory and practice across the Department of Defense and Department of State.

The course will explore the offensive and defensive strategies for operating in the information domain. Students will delve into Military Information Support Operations (MISO), Cyberspace Operations, Public Affairs, Propaganda, and Electronic Warfare and analyze the strengths, weaknesses, effectiveness, and ethical considerations of each information tool.

COL Dietz is a distinguished leader with a dual career spanning both military and commercial sectors. In his military career, COL Dietz served at the NATO Four Star level and held key positions such as Deputy Commander of NATO SFOR Combined Joint Information Campaign Task Force in Bosnia, PSYOP Group Staff Officer, PSYOP Battalion Commander, and Military Intelligence Company Commander, among others. His expertise extends to Special Operations Forces, particularly in PSYOP and Civil Affairs.

As an Attorney at Law with, COL Dietz led a boutique legal practice specializing in complex contract issues and data privacy. His focus includes ensuring compliance with regulations such as the EU’s General Data Privacy Directive and state laws like the California Consumer Privacy Act. COL Dietz is also sought after for executive presentations on Privacy, Intelligence, and Cyber Influence, catering to major software and services organizations.

Saturday, August 10, 2024




BG Andrée Carter Assumed Command of USACPOC on 13 July 24

BG Carter is a career PSYOP soldier and outstanding leader. You can find her official biography at:

BG Carter’s Vision for the Command:

Inspire the next generation of leaders to build combat-ready, professional, disciplined, and focused units of action; and drive the collective impact of CAO, PSYOP and IO on building warfighter advantage in the influence domain.


July 27 US to revamp its command in Japan amid renaissance in defense ties

n 2013, after years of political turmoil and crisis, Japan’s then-Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced his country’s return to the world stage.

“Japan is back,” Abe said, speaking at a think tank in Washington.

In the ensuing decade, the country has been following through on that pledge. They’re on track to double defense spending by 2027, buying missiles capable of firing into enemy territory and giving more freedom to its long-restrained Self Defense Forces.

Those efforts will reach another milestone, with the U.S. announcing a plan to revamp its command in Japan to a new three-star billet, moving from a leader that mostly supervised forces to one that can plan large operations with the Japanese military.

July 25 IDF soldier’s TikTok video of hostage bodies sparks spread of rumors across Israel

An IDF soldier filmed himself with the bodies of hostages found near Khan Yunis and posted the video on the social media platform TikTok on Wednesday.

As a result, the IDF announced that it plans to pursue severe disciplinary actions against the soldier. These actions led to the unorganized release of information and the spread of a wave of rumors that flooded throughout the country for hours.

23 July Special Forces Assessment and Selection: Everything You Need to Know

Before Green Berets eat snakes and carry out guerrilla warfare around the world, they must all pass the U.S. Army’s Special Forces Assessment and Selection, or SFAS. It’s the first part of the Special Forces pipeline. Unlike late training, the goal of SFAS is not to teach students new skills or equipment but to stress their ability to perform at a high level, both physically and mentally.

21 July “Israel’s most significant achievement’: Psychological impact of Deif assassiantion - analysis

Psychological war operates by different rules, focusing on emotions and damaging morale. Israel's strike on Hamas leader Mohammed Deif is a significant achievement in this psychological war.

If the attempted assassination of Mohammed Deif, the head of the military wing of Hamas, is confirmed, it will be Israel's greatest psychological achievement amid the current war. It is true that from a military perspective Operation Arnon and the rescue of Ori Megidish were very complex and significant operations, but the elimination of Deif is a different sort of victory for Israel.

21 July ‘Dismantling Hamas from within’: IDF uncovers trove of Hamas secrets

The IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) have uncovered a treasure trove of Hamas intelligence, consisting of stacks of documents, files, and computers, including guidelines on what to do if someone is suspected of being part of the LGBTQ community and a phrasebook of Hebrew words to help terrorists communicate in Hebrew, which included phrases such as "Take off your clothes."

Among the findings were operational tables, equipment lists, classified maps, and instructions on what to do if captured, leading to the conclusion that Hamas's military wing has transformed into a professional army right under the nose of Israeli intelligence.

12 July 24 China’s newest military base abroad is up and running, and there are more on the horizon

BANGKOK — With the months-long presence of Chinese warships at Cambodia’s Ream naval base and a major bilateral military exercise there in May, China’s newest overseas military facility appears to be up and running, confirming years of suspicions about China’s presence in the Southeast Asian country.

While the extent of China’s access to Ream remains unclear, it would be China’s second overseas military base, and few who have watched those bases emerge expect it to be the last. US defense and intelligence officials and other analysts are already tracking dozens of countries that could host them in the future.

US concerns about Ream have been building for years but became serious in 2019, when Cambodia unexpectedly declined US assistance with repairs there. Since then, US media reports have described a secret deal granting China’s People’s Liberation Army exclusive access to the base, and satellite images have shown rapid and extensive construction, including the demolition of a US-funded building in late 2020.

18 Jul SOUTHCOM chief calls for ‘Marshall Plan’ for Western Hemisphere to counter Russia, China

WASHINGTON — The US should embark on a “Marshall Plan” for Western Hemisphere nations still struggling to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic if it wants to keep Russian, and especially Chinese, influence in check in the region, the head of US Southern Command said today.

“I will tell you that I think from COVID, the impacts on the GDP, we do not understand how severe the impacts were in this region,” said Gen. Laura Richardson, commander of SOUTHCOM, whose area of responsibility includes Central America, South America and the Caribbean.

Richardson said that while “a couple of countries were okay,” for most there’s been a “severe economic downturn” that has now been exploited by transnational gangs and caused instability into which Moscow and Beijing have stepped with offers of cash or, in the case of China, Belt and Road Initiative projects.

12 July NATO chooses Jordan to house first-ever liaison office in the Middle East and North Africa

NATO CONFERENCE 2024 — NATO will establish its first ever liaison office in the Middle East region in Amman, Jordan, amid conflicts roaring in the region from the Red Sea to Gaza and Lebanon.

The decision, adopted by allies in attendance of this year’s NATO summit after being discussed last year, “marks a significant milestone in the deep strategic partnership between Jordan and the Alliance,” according to a Wednesday NATO announcement.

The liaison office will focus on reinforcing cooperation between NATO and Middle East and North Africa countries.

The decision “acknowledges Jordan’s significant role as a beacon of stability in both regional and global contexts, and as a long-time champion in fighting transnational threats, including terrorism and violent extremism,” said the statement.

While not a member of NATO itself, Jordan was the only Middle East country to help the US and allies in countering the barrage of 300 missiles and drones launched by Tehran in an unprecedented direct confrontation between Iran and Israel.

RELATED: At the NATO summit, a turbulent Middle East likely to stay in the background: Analysts

11 July 24

Biden-Harris Administration Announces New Polar Partnership “Ice Pact” Alongside Finland and Canada

Today, the leaders of the United States, Canada, and Finland announced their intent to create the Icebreaker Collaboration Effort, or ICE Pact, which is a trilateral arrangement to collaborate on the production of polar icebreakers and other capabilities, alongside United States’ allies and partners, labor, and industry. This collaboration is intended to strengthen the shipbuilding industry and industrial capacity of each nation – and build closer security and economic ties among our countries through information exchange and mutual workforce-development focused on building polar icebreakers, as well as other Arctic and polar capabilities.

10 July 24 NATO updates AI strategy for the age of ChatGPT

NATO SUMMIT 2024 — Three years ago, when NATO leaders met in Brussels and issued the alliance’s first strategy for artificial intelligence, Russian President Vladimir Putin hadn’t yet tried to blitzkrieg Kyiv and OpenAI’s ChatGPT hadn’t yet taken the internet by storm. Today, in a very different world, as NATO leaders met in Washington to discuss the threat from Moscow, they’ve also issued a revised AI strategy that puts the new phenomenon of generative AI as a top priority.

The full document has not yet been released, and the official summary made available today includes few details. One nuance worth noting, however, is how relatively optimistic the alliance seems to be about genAI.

10 July 24 Navy should hit back harder against Houthi online disinformation

Last month, Capt. Christopher “Chowdah” Hill, commanding officer of the aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower, invited journalists to inspect the flight deck of his carrier while it was underway in the Red Sea.

The journalists reported seeing nothing wrong on the flight deck, which was precisely the point of Hill’s invitation. Ike and its crew remained on station, with no hole in the deck.

Two weeks earlier, a spokesman for Yemen’s Houthi rebel movement announced that the rebels had struck the Eisenhower with a barrage of missiles to punish the United States for its support of Israel in its war against Hamas.

On X (formerly Twitter), Houthi supporters shared a video allegedly showing a large crater at the forward end of the Eisenhower’s flight deck. Other accounts posted a different image of a fiery blast aboard the ship.

10 July 24 Quieting Discord: A new frontier in military leaks and extremeism

During a five-month period from 2022 to 2023, Massachusetts Air National Guard member Jack Teixeira sent 40,000 messages on the online chat platform Discord, some of which contained classified national security secrets.

An FBI investigation revealed that Teixeira, a 22-year-old who ran a server on Discord called “Thug Shaker Central,” spent much of his life online, talking primarily with other young men via message, video calls and voice chats. He chatted about guns and military gear, threatened his school, made racist and antisemitic jokes, traded conspiracy theories, discussed antigovernment sentiments, and in a bid to show off, shared some of the military’s most closely guarded secrets about the Russia-Ukraine war and the Middle East.

10 July 24 After a Decade, the Marine Corpos Releases New Deception Doctrine.

For the first time in more than a decade, the Marine Corps has published official doctrine on how it employs deception -- a tactic used by militaries throughout history to deliberately deceive the enemy through decoys, demonstrations, ruses and manipulation of information.

The doctrine, titled simply "Deception," was published late last month and supersedes a manual from 12 years ago, according to service officials. The need for a cohesive policy on deception was identified in the 2023 update to the service's Force Design campaign, a reorganization effort meant to prepare for a potential future fight in the Pacific against China.

9 July 2024 Estonia won’t ‘fall into’ Russia’s ‘trap’ by overreacting to hybrid attacks: Defense minister

NATO SUMMIT 2024 — Russia is using hybrid attacks across NATO in an effort to distract each country from how to best support Ukraine, according to Estonia’s defense minister, and it is therefore an “obligation” not to “fall into that trap” and overreact.

Hybrid attacks are “a constant situation for us,” Hanno Pevkur said today, listing cyberattacks, as well as the vandalism of a minister’s car and that of a journalist as just a few of the incidents the Estonian government has blamed on Russia. “So this is something which is in the playbook of Russia.”

6 Jul 24 Ukraine ‘uses dummy models of military targets’ to trick Russian forces

Ukraine's air force has claimed it tricked Russian forces into hitting dummy versions of warplanes and air defence systems.

Air force commander Mykola Oleshchuk said mock-ups were put in place at an airfield near the central Ukrainian city of Kryvyi Rih and a district of the Black Sea port of Odesa.

He shared a video filmed by a Russian reconnaissance drone, which he said showed Russian Iskander missiles attacking the mock-ups.

Russia's defence ministry had shared similar footage on Thursday on its Telegram channel and said it had used Iskender missiles to destroy a Ukrainian Mig-29 fighter jet at the Dovhyntseve airfield.

1 July 24 National Guard Soldiers Training with ‘pocket-sized drones’

New York National Guard soldiers tested new “pocket-sized” drones that the Army hopes to one day field to every squad across the service. Similiar systems are already deployed with some active duty units including the 82nd Airborne, but the New York troops were the first Guard unit to train with the Black Hornet 3 drone, which can fly about 25 minutes and requires no equipment beyond what a soldier can carry on their combat gear. Soldiers of the 27th Infantry Brigade got a hands-on training with the drones at Fort Drum, NY.

2 July 24 ‘About survival’: Inside a Finnish shoothouse, prep for a Russian invasion

SANTAHAMINA, Finland — A light metallic rattle comes from one end of the warehouse, a grenade bouncing on the concrete floor after it was tossed inside through an open doorway. There’s a loud bang, and then camouflaged troops pour into the first room, rifles up and at the ready, one after the other.

An enemy combatant is immediately taken into custody as the soldiers peel off to do different jobs. The warehouse is divided into several rooms, with one long hallway running down its whole length in the middle. A machine gunner takes a prone position at the beginning of the hallway, providing cover and trading occasional, deafening fire with the armed opposition who pop in and out of view at the far end of the corridor.

27 June 24 China ‘actively’ targeting US industrial base, warns CYBERCOM Chief

TECHNET CYBER 2024 — US Cyber Command officials this week painted a grim picture of what Chinese cyber attacks could do to the US defense industrial base, including destroying critical infrastructure, intellectual property theft and supply chain disruption. 

“The defense industrial base is being actively targeted by our adversaries and competitors, particularly by the People’s Republic of China. They are acting with increasing agility and sophistication, which we must continue to outpace,” Commander of CYBERCOM, Gen. Timothy Haugh said Tuesday during his keynote address at the TechNet Cyber conference in Baltimore.

“The People’s Republic of China’s efforts to steal intellectual property, gain critical infrastructure footholds and disrupt supply chains pose significant risk to DoD’s ability to defend the nation.”




7th PSYOP Group Military Ball and Change of Command 

The 7th PSYOP Group Ball was held on 22 June 2024 at the Cabana Crowne Plaza Hotel in Palo Alto, California. The Ball was hosted by outgoing 7th POG CDR, COL D. Scotty Lene. 

The Ball was well attended by guests from throughout the PSYOP Community including the other active and reserve PSYOP Groups as well as personnel from the new PSYWAR School and PSYOP Doctrine Department at Fort Liberty, NC.

The guest Speaker was Ms. Jessie Graff, stunt woman and Ninja Warrior.


The Ball also commemorated the 80th Anniversary of the 14th Psychological Operations BN.

History Highlights  of the 14th PSYOP BN 

  • Constituted 24 December 1943 in the Army of the U.S. as the 4th Mobile Radio Broadcasting Company.

  • Activated 19 December 1943 at Camp Ritchie, Maryland

  • Inactivated 25 November in Luxembourg

  • Redesignated 19 November 1954 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 14th Radio Broadcasting and Leaflet Battalion

  • Activated 20 January 1955 at Fort Shafter, HI

  • Reorganized and redesignated 15 March 1961 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 14th Psychological Warfare Battalion.

  • Reorganized and redesignated 20 October 1965 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 14th Psychological Operations Battalion.

  • Inactivated 30 June 1974 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina

  • Redesignated 30 October 1975 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 14th Psychological Operations Battalion; concurrently withdrawn from the Regular Army, alloted to the Army Reserve, and activated at Mountain View, CA


COL D. Scotty Lene turned over the 7th Group’s Command to COL Gregory B. Baugh at the Change of Command for the 7th POG was held at Moffett Federal Airfield, CA at 1000 on 23 June officiated by BG Brian Horton, Commanding General, 351st Civil Affairs Command.

Watch the official change of command at:


20 June 24

Un chief warns of ‘cyber mercenaries’ amid spike in weaponising digital tools

At a Security Council high-level debate on evolving threats in cyberspace, convened by the Republic of Korea, Council President for June, Mr. Guterres underscored the transformative power of digital technologies.

“Breakthroughs in digital technologies are happening at warp speed; digital advances are revolutionising economies and societies,” he said.

“They are bringing people together, providing citizens with access to government services and institutions and supercharging economies, trade and financial inclusion.”

However, he cautioned that the seamless and instant connectivity that fuels these benefits also makes people, institutions and countries vulnerable.

19 June 24

Chinese military’s rifle-toting robot dogs raise concerns in Congress

Congress is worried that robot dogs with machine guns will be bounding onto the battlefield in the near future.

During last week’s debate over the annual defense authorization bill, House lawmakers inserted language in the massive military policy measure to require a new assessment from the Defense Department on “the threat of rifle-toting robot dogs used by China” in potential future conflicts.

The issue has gained public attention in recent weeks after Chinese military officials showed off armed robotic quadrupeds during recent military drills with Cambodia.

18 June 24

Four lessons on sea denial from the Black and Red seas

In the early morning hours of Feb. 1, 2024, six Ukrainian sea drones destroyed the Russian missile ship Ivanovets in the Black Sea. The day prior, 2,000 miles away in the Red Sea, the U.S. Navy destroyer Carney successfully shot down three Iranian drones and an anti-ship ballistic missile fired by Houthi forces.

Two events, disparate in geopolitical context, present evidence that land-based maritime forces play a decisive role in naval operations. It does not take an act of imagination to see how the U.S. Marine Corps, the world’s foremost land-based maritime force, operating with a suite of high-end anti-ship weapons and uncrewed systems, would prove instrumental in a sea-denial campaign.

13 June 24

65 countries affected by Houthi attacks in Red Sea, including Iran: US Intelligence

BEIRUT — Attacks by the Iran-backed Houthi group in the Red Sea have affected the interests of 65 countries and 29 major energy and shipping firms, according to a new report issued by the US Defense Intelligence Agency today.

The Yemen-based group publicly has said it is targeting Israel-linked ships in response to Jerusalem’s strikes in Gaza, but the report says “many of their attacks […] have been against civilian ships with either tenuous or no known Israeli affiliations or port calls.” The report says dozens of countries have been caught in the crossfire, including the United States, Britain, Turkey, Russia, China, Qatar and the Houthis main purported benefactor, Iran.

13 June 24

Why a unit in Israel’s IDF purported used a medieval trebuchet against Hezbollah

A short six-second video showing soldiers using what appeared to be a type of medieval trebuchet in northern Israel went viral online today, prompting questions about what the centuries-old contraption was meant to be doing while Israel is embroiled in large-scale combat operations in Gaza and trading strikes with Hezbollah at the Lebanese border.

10 June 24

Another battlefield: Telegram asa digital front in Russia’s war against Ukraine.

In the more than two years since Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, no platform has expanded its role in helping the outside world to understand the Russian perspective on the war more than Telegram. Launched by Russian entrepreneur Pavel Durov in 2013, the messaging platform rapidly grew in popularity, eventually gaining primacy in Russian social media discourse. Its influence was solidified in the first months of the war, as the Kremlin cracked down on Western social media platforms while continuing to tolerate Telegram and utilize it for its own purposes. This has propelled Telegram into one of the last remaining windows for observing and understanding Russian thinking about the war, from the general public to the Kremlin itself.

10 June 24

The US and Poland Sign Mou to Counter Foreign State Information Manipulationn

Today, U.S. Special Envoy and Coordinator for the Global Engagement Center James P. Rubin and Polish Foreign Minister’s Plenipotentiary for Countering International Disinformation Tomasz ChÅ‚oÅ„ signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to strengthen cooperation between the United States and Poland on countering foreign state information manipulation.

This MOU signifies the sense of urgency both the United States and Poland place on increasing efforts to jointly counter foreign disinformation and propaganda by strengthening government and societal resiliency to its effects. Through this MOU, the United States and Poland intend to enhance information sharing on the threat posed by foreign information manipulation, expand capacity for counter-disinformation programming, and align government policies along the five key action areas established in the U.S. Department of State’s Framework to Counter Foreign State Information Manipulation.

10 June 2024

U.S. Government PSYOP Needs to be Zeroed Out and Restarted Under Constitutional Principles

Special Operation Forces Week in Tampa is the premier gathering event for all things related to Special Operations.  On May 9, 2024, at the most recent event in Tampa, there was a session on “Operations in the Information Environment (OIE) Symposium”.  This title is simply another name for Psychological Operations (PSYOP).

Having been to the PSYOP Course at Ft. Bragg (now Ft. Liberty) in 1984, this panel caught my attention.  The name, functional areas, doctrine and tactics have evolved a bit since PSYOP was first introduced in the 1950s to fight Soviet Communism that was on a post-World War II rampage to topple the Western System.  The Doolittle Report, the founding strategy and document for the CIA roles and missions, emphasized the need for methodologies and capabilities to tell the American story and defeat the aggressive Soviet propaganda efforts.  PSYOP was key to the early CIA and the nascent American military special operations community.  It was quite effective in those early and heady days of a battle for survival against Communism.

5 June 24

Evolve or Die: Army Special Operations Integration As A Catalyst for Necessary Change

One of the most fundamental truths is that for any entity to thrive, it must be well suited to its surroundings. Should its environment change, an organism’s continued survival and reproduction is dependent on its ability to adapt in stride with these changes. Many species rewrite the rules of engagement to survive within a rapidly changing world, while the ones that don’t risk extinction. Facing the consequences of human overfishing and habitat degradation, orcas, for example, have ingeniously adapted their hunting techniques to the new environment. They now target great white sharks using swarm tactics and an uncanny knowledge of shark biology to stun their peer competitors. They have also developed other new tactics like sending waves onto icebergs, washing sea lions off the ice and into the ocean for an easier meal. In a critical period of crashing food populations in dynamic ecosystems, these maritime geniuses teach us an important lesson—you don’t assert your spot in the food chain by resisting necessary change.

3 June 24

Russia Is Targeting Germany With Fake Information as Europe Votes

A European Commission spokesperson says Russia is focusing on Germany more than any other EU country—and estimates the Kremlin is spending €1 billion on disinformation campaigns.,Russia%20Is%20Targeting%20Germany%20With%20Fake%20Information%20as%20Europe%20Votes,1%20billion%20on%20disinformation%20campaigns

2 June 24

How Russia is trying to disrupt the 2024 Paris Olympic Games

Russia is ramping up malign disinformation campaigns against France, French President Emmanuel Macron, the International Olympic Committee (IOC), and this summer’s Olympic Games in Paris. While Russia has a decades-long history of targeting the Olympic Games, the Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC) has observed old tactics blending with artificial intelligence (AI) in malign activity that may intensify as the 2024 Paris Opening Ceremony approaches. These operations have two principal aims:

  • Denigrate the reputation of the IOC

  • Create the expectation of violence breaking out in Paris at the Games

​​31 May 24 In a first, OpenAI removes influence operations tied to Russia, China and Israel


Online influence operations based in Russia, China, Iran, and Israel are using artificial intelligence in their efforts to manipulate the public, according to a new report from OpenAI.

Bad actors have used OpenAI’s tools, which include ChatGPT, to generate social media comments in multiple languages, make up names and bios for fake accounts, create cartoons and other images, and debug code.

29 May 24


Once a Sheriff’s Deputy in Florida, Now a Source of Disinformation From Russia


A dozen years ago, John Mark Dougan, a former deputy sheriff in Palm Beach County, Fla., sent voters an email posing as a county commissioner, urging them to oppose the re-election of the county’s sheriff.


29 May 2024

Army Reserve Soldiers train to influence the fight


Psychological Operations Soldiers from the the U.S. Army Reserve conducted training at the Joint Multinational Readiness Center (JMRC) near Hohenfels, Germany during Combined Resolve 24-2.

"Today we are in Uebungsdorf meeting with city officials, like the mayor and police chief, describing the current situation with refugees fleeing from the Donovian invasion," said U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Austin Walpole, noncommissioned officer-in-charge with the 325th Psychological Operations Detachment, an Army Reserve unit based in Nashville.

The exercise simulates an invasion of Germany by the fictional country of Donovia, including realistic second order effects of war like an influx of refugees, portrayed by local actors.

29 MAY 24 

How the kremlin uses comics to glorify its war in Ukraine

War-themed comic books are being used by the Kremlin to sell its vision of the war in Ukraine to the youth.

During the first months following the start of invasion of Ukraine, a poll by the Russian state pollster suggested that young Russians were the least supportive of the war.

It now seems the Kremlin is taking steps to ensure that changes.

In April, the Russian defence and education ministries started distributing tens of thousands of comic books that praise the invasion of Ukraine in schools across Russia and Ukraine’s Russia-occupied territories.

According to the project’s official website, the goal is ultimately to supply these comics to every school under Russian control.

28 May NSA Research Director on Duality of AI, Quantum Challenges

The U.S. government is continuing to invest in the advancement and implementation of critical and emerging technologies – such as artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum sciences – because they are key to both enabling economic prosperity and defending national security.  

However, in an exclusive interview with MeriTalk, Gil Herrera, director of research at the National Security Agency (NSA), explained that because there is a duality to emerging technologies the complexity that they pose requires a balanced approach for development and deployment across the Federal government and beyond.

24 May 24 The Role of Intelligence Agencies in Countering Russian Hybrid Threats in CEE (23 minute video) Institute of World Politics

Ms. Nathalie Vogel gives a lecture entitled The Role of Intelligence Agencies in Countering Russian Hybrid Threats in Central and Eastern Europe. This lecture is part of the 13th Annual Spring Symposium of the Kosciuszko Chair of Polish Studies in honor of Lady Blanka Rosenstiel on the topic of "Crisis in the Intermarium: War in Ukraine and its Implications." Ms. Vogel is a Senior Research Fellow at The Institute of World Politics’ Center for Intermarium Studies, as well as a Senior Fellow at Prague-based European Values Center for Security Policy since 2016. Her research interests include the monitoring of hostile Chinese and Russian influence and disinformation campaigns in the German language info-space, the development of teaching modules in information warfare, and the briefing of allied governments, international organizations, and NGOs. She is also in charge of internal security, including the investigation of cyber incidents. Since 2019, Nathalie has been conducting successful advocacy campaigns against prominent cases of Russian lawfare involving abusive red notices and arrest warrants. Previously, she taught international relations at the University of Bonn, Germany. She has served as a project officer and consultant for youth and civil society at the NATO Office in Moscow where she conducted the information operation “NATO-Russia Rally” in 2006.

24 May Marines say no more ‘death by PowerPoint’ as Corps overhauls education

WASHINGTON, D.C. ― Marines and those who teach them will see more direct, problem-solving approaches to how they learn and far less “death by PowerPoint” as the Corps overhauls its education methods.

Decades of lecturers “foot stomping” material for Marines to learn, recall and regurgitate on a test before forgetting most of what they heard is being replaced by “outcomes-based” learning, a method that’s been in use in other fields but only recently brought into military training.

“Instead of teaching them what to think, we’re teaching them how to think,” said Col. Karl Arbogast, director of the policy and standards division at training and education command.

23 May US Intelligence Agencies’ Embrace of Generative AI is at Once Wary and Urgent

Long before generative AI’s boom, a Silicon Valley firm contracted to collect and analyze non-classified data on illicit Chinese fentanyl trafficking made a compelling case for its embrace by U.S. intelligence agencies.

The operation’s results far exceeded human-only analysis, finding twice as many companies and 400% more people engaged in illegal or suspicious commerce in the deadly opioid.

Excited U.S. intelligence officials touted the results publicly — the AI made connections based mostly on internet and dark-web data — and shared them with Beijing authorities, urging a crackdown.

21 May 24 Poland forms Russian influence commission as spy fears grown

WARSAW, May 21 (Reuters) - Poland's prime minister announced on Tuesday the re-establishment of a commission to look into undue Russian influence, as Warsaw grapples with what it says is an intense campaign by Moscow to destabilise the country.

While Poland has long said that its position as a key distribution hub for supplies to Ukraine makes it a major target for Moscow's spies, the defection of a judge to Russian ally Belarus this month put Poland on high alert.

"I issued an order on the establishment of a commission to investigate Russian and Belarusian influence on the internal security and interests of the Republic of Poland in the years 2004-2024," Prime Minister Donald Tusk told a news conference.

Other Items of PSYOP Interest

5 June 24

Posted on FaceBook by Andrew Chaney:

Please check out this website supporting a new book, 'Information Operations. Facts. Fakes' by Steve Tatham - former Commanding Officer of the UK’s Psychological Operations Group.

Conspiracists, is now up and running at

It is designed to be a source of reference not just for the book (and all the book's footnotes can be explored here) but also for wider IO publications.

Book is available at or via the website