Saturday, August 10, 2024



2024 PSYOP Call for Distinguished and Honorary Members of the Regiment Nominations - Reminder

Reminder - Nomination packets must be submitted no later than 31 MAY 2024


The United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (USAJFKSWCS) and the Psychological Operations (PO) Proponent are actively seeking nominations for consideration during the upcoming Regimental Honors Board in order to recognize those individuals who have significantly contributed to the welfare and advancement of the PO Regiment and greater Military Information Support Operations (MISO) / Influence community as an active or reserve component Soldier, Department of the Army Civilian and/or civilians in a private capacity. Selected nominees will be inducted in April 2025.


USAJFKSWCS and the PO Proponent are currently seeking nominations for the following honors:


- Distinguished Members of the PO Regiment (DMOR): Nominees must be a qualified member of the Regiment (equivalent qualification prior to establishment of the Regiment), must be retired or separated for a minimum of four years and in good standing within the Regiment, Service and Community.


- Honorary Members of the PO Regiment (HMOR): Nominees may be actively serving, retired, or separated, military or civilian personnel who are non-members of the regiment to include sister-service personnel who have significantly contributed to the success of Regiment and in good standing within the Regiment, Service and Community.


Nomination criteria, process, and packet requirements can be found in USAJFKSWCS Policy 01-20 dated 8 January 2020 on the PRA website at:


Nomination Packets must contain at a minimum:

-Nomination Letter: no longer than 3 pages - the nomination letter should be clear and concise, highlighting the nominee's significant contributions to the Psychological Operations Regiment, operationally or within the generating force, and continued service to the Regiment and community post retirement or separation. Must include contact information for both the nominator and nominee or next of kin for posthumous nominations (mailing address, phone number and email address).

-Biography: no longer than 2 pages - encompassing military/civilian career highlights, honors, awards and decorations. This is separate document from the Nomination Letter.

-Professional Color Photo (optional)

- Ceremony Presentation Narrative: a statement highlighting why the nominee is being inducted as a DMOR or HMOR, it should be limited to 350 - 500 words and will be read during the annual induction ceremony.


Nomination packets must be submitted no later than 31 MAY 2024 to the PO Regimental Honors Program Manager (PRHPM).


Nomination packets or questions can be submitted to the PRHPM Mr. Jeff Kennedy at / or 910-396-4349.


Please disseminate this Call for Nominations through formal and informal channels, and personal networks to support widest reach.





Jeffrey L. Kennedy

Deputy Personnel Chief

Human Resources Specialist

PO Branch Proponent – Personnel Div

U.S. Army Special Operations Center of Excellence and John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (Airborne)

Office: 910-396-4349 (DSN: 236)

Cell: 952-239-9998

Home: 910-491-6983 (shared)

Group: The Loudspeaker |milBook Home (


“More fiction is written in Excel than in Word”

7th POG Military Ball

Please join me in attending the 7th POG’s Military Ball on 22 June 24 in Palo Alto, CA. Here is an announcement from 1LT Nicholas C. Comeau of the Group Staff:

We are thrilled to announce and invite you to join us in celebrating the 80th anniversary of the 14th Psychological Operations Battalion at our 7th Psychological Operations Group Ball! This milestone event will feature a memorable evening of festivities, including an award ceremony where the prestigious McClure Award will be presented to deserving recipients. We are honored to have renowned guest speaker Jessie Graff join us, promising an inspiring address. More surprises and special guests may also be in store for this remarkable occasion.


To secure your tickets or make a donation to support this event, please use the URL below. Your participation and contributions will ensure the success of this commemorative celebration. More information including date/time/location can be found at

The 7th POG looks forward to welcoming you to this momentous gathering of the PSYOP Community.

If you have any questions on the Ball, you can email me at and I will pass them along.


Perspectives is our major PSYOP publication. Here is an announcement about the next issues from Editor Joseph Meissner and Perspectives Adviser Dennis Bartow  

“Should President Zelensky try to negotiate?  Maybe Ukraine is already a lost cause?  Will tyrant and lawyer Putin prevail in his invasion?  What advice should Zelensky follow to continue resolutely  confronting the Russian forces?  How can PSYOP help Ukraine?  What PSYOP advice should we recommend to Ukraine and its leaders?  These are all important issues which we propose to discuss in our first  PSYOP PERSPECTIVE'S issue for 2024.  We invite all of our readers and PSYOP experts to provide your answers  and advice for the next issue of our POVA sponsored PERSPECTIVES due to be published by  15 June 2024.  All writings on these concerns must be submitted by 31 May to be considered for publication in this issue.  Please email your article (of any length--short or extensive)  to  If you have any questions about the next issue and its subject matter,  either email us at or telephone us  at 216 408-6501.”


21 May 24 Space Force to restructure all missions into ‘integrated’ units to boost readiness: Lt. Gen Garrant

WASHINGTON — After seeing good results for force readiness from about nine months of experimenting with the Integrated Mission Delta (IMD) concept, the Space Force next intends to create two more units mixing acquisition and operational personnel — with the intent to eventually convert entirely to the new organizational structure, according to a senior service official.

“In the next few months, you can look for missile warning and space domain awareness as two mission areas [to be restructured], and then in the future satellite communications, for example, and then orbital warfare,” Lt. Gen. Philip Garrant, head of Space Systems Command, told the Mitchell Institute today.

“But the intent is for all mission areas to be in this Integrated Mission Delta approach,” he added.

18 May 24 Who’s Who of special operations forces: Notable veterans, civilians inducted at Fort Liberty

Twenty-one soldiers, civilians and veterans were named honorary members of the Special Forces, Psychological Operations and Civil Affairs community during induction ceremonies last month.

The inductees were honored during an April 26 ceremony that coincided with Heritage Week at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School.

The induction ceremony included a Congressional Gold Medal presentation from the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops “Ghost Army” and the 3133rd Signal Service Company for their service during World War II.

7 May 34 SOCOM chief sees ‘renaissance’ for special forces amid great power competition, evolving warfare

SOF WEEK 2024 — The drawdown of US forces from the Middle East and pivot to great power competition could leave one with the impression that demand for special operations forces (SOF) is falling. But top officials from US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) argued today that troops under their command play an essential role in the US’s bid to outpace Russia and China, which they described as a harbinger for something of a revival. 

“Strategic competition has been and absolutely is in SOF’s DNA. We’d offer that this era is a bit of a special ops renaissance,” SOCOM chief Gen. Bryan Fenton said at a keynote address at the SOF Week conference here in Tampa.

2 May 24

Faceless people, invisible hands: New Army video aims to lure recruits for psychological operations.

FORT LIBERTY, N.C. (AP) — The video is unsettling, with haunting images of faceless people, fire and soldiers. The voiceover is a cascade of recognizable historical voices as the screen pulses cryptic messages touting the power of words, ideas and “invisible hands.”

Hints of its origin are tucked into frames as they flash by: PSYWAR. The Army’s psychological warfare soldiers are using their brand of mental combat to bring in what the service needs: recruits. And if you find the video intriguing, you may be the Army’s target audience as it works to enlist soldiers to join its Special Operations Command.

Released in the early morning hours Thursday, the video is the second provocative recruiting ad that, in itself, exemplifies the kind of work the psyop soldiers do to influence public opinion and wage the war of words overseas. Called “Ghost in the Machine 2,” it is coming out two years after the inaugural video was quietly posted on the unit’s YouTube site and generated a firestorm of online chatter.

“It’s a recruiting video,” said the Army major who created it, speaking with The Associated Press before the release. “Someone who watches it and thinks, wow, that was effective, how was it constructed — that’s the kind of creative mindset we’re looking for.”

And US Army Creates New Recruiting Video to Attract Future PsyOps Warriors

1 May 24 US intelligence needs ‘professional cadre’ for OSINT to replace ‘amateur’ IC analysis: Official

PARIS — The explosion of open source information has so changed the game for intelligence collection and analysis that today a senior official called for a “professional cadre” of open source specialists to take the place of relative “amateur” analysts in the Intelligence Community who have stepped into the breach so far.

Greg Ryckman, DIA’s deputy director for Global Integration, said that in years past, open source info would be the “salt” analysts would sprinkle on top of otherwise completed intelligence products gathered with secret methods. But now, he said, the paradigm has “flipped” and it’s the technical, secret intelligence that’s become the salt on the “main course” that is open source intel.

“I think that we’re struggling as an intelligence community at this point with this volume of information that’s out there and being able to get it, make sense of it and then translate that into something the analyst can actually use. That, I think is our challenge,” he said at a webinar put on by the Intelligence and National Security Alliance.

25 Apr 24 OSHIT: 7 Deadly Sins of Bad Open Source Research

When news breaks and the internet is aflutter with activity and speculation, many turn to open source accounts and experts to make sense of events. This is truly a sign that open source research — using resources like satellite images to flight tracking websites and footage recorded on the ground — is seen as credible and is increasingly sought after. It’s free, publicly available and anybody can do it.

But such success comes with drawbacks. In monitoring events from Iran and Ukraine, this surge in credibility allows the term ‘OSINT’ to be easily abused, either knowingly or unknowingly, by users who don’t actually follow the best practice of open source research methods. In fact, since the start of the war in Gaza in October 2023, there has been a spike in verified ‘OSINT’ Twitter accounts which create additional noise and confusion with poor open source analysis.

24 Apr 24

Intel community seeks to centralize OSINT under new strategy (Links to MP3 file as well)

With social media feeds and data brokers awash in valuable intel, leaders of the top U.S. intelligence agencies have signed onto a plan to centralize open source intelligence (OSINT).

The new OSINT strategy, signed out by Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines and CIA Director William Burns last month, aims to make open-source an “the INT of first resort.” Those words, in the title of the strategy, are a tacit recognition that spy agencies have traditionally favored gaining intelligence from highly secretive sources — such as human intelligence, spy satellites, and electronic signals — rather than open-source data.


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