Wednesday, August 28, 2024

New Graduate Course: Information As A Domain of War

 I am pleased to announce that I will be teaching "Information As A Domain of War" on line for the Institute of World Politics: I am pleased to announce that I will be teaching:

his fall, Prof. Lawrence D. Dietz, COL (R), USAR will teach a new online course on Information as a Domain of War.

This course explores the complex and evolving landscape of information and influence operations in today’s and tomorrow’s wars.  The course will explore the place of the information domain as a distinct warfighting domain, alongside traditional warfighting domains such as land, sea, air, and space. Students will become familiar with the history, unique attributes, and vulnerabilities of information warfighting and its tactical and strategic aspects across multiple conflict profiles.

A key element of success in the information domain is identifying and understanding stakeholders, including nation-states, militaries, non-state actors, and individuals and the actors that seek to influence them and change their behavior through information campaigns.

The course focuses on the United States government’s approach to information as a new warfighting domain. As such, it will delve into theory and practice across the Department of Defense and Department of State.

The course will explore the offensive and defensive strategies for operating in the information domain. Students will delve into Military Information Support Operations (MISO), Cyberspace Operations, Public Affairs, Propaganda, and Electronic Warfare and analyze the strengths, weaknesses, effectiveness, and ethical considerations of each information tool.

COL Dietz is a distinguished leader with a dual career spanning both military and commercial sectors. In his military career, COL Dietz served at the NATO Four Star level and held key positions such as Deputy Commander of NATO SFOR Combined Joint Information Campaign Task Force in Bosnia, PSYOP Group Staff Officer, PSYOP Battalion Commander, and Military Intelligence Company Commander, among others. His expertise extends to Special Operations Forces, particularly in PSYOP and Civil Affairs.

As an Attorney at Law with, COL Dietz led a boutique legal practice specializing in complex contract issues and data privacy. His focus includes ensuring compliance with regulations such as the EU’s General Data Privacy Directive and state laws like the California Consumer Privacy Act. COL Dietz is also sought after for executive presentations on Privacy, Intelligence, and Cyber Influence, catering to major software and services organizations.

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